The ultimate goal of a successful customer experience management program is to build a customer-centric culture that delivers consistently high levels of customer loyalty. Every bank, however, is at a different stage of evolution in realizing this outcome. 

With this in mind, Greenwich Associates has developed a CEM Maturity Path for banks, which summarizes the CEM development process in five main stages. Banks can use the CEM Maturity Path to understand where they are on their journey to “next-generation” CEM and identify the necessary actions to get there.
Download our paper, Where Are You on the Path to Next Generation Customer Experience Management, to learn more.

Bottom Line
The goal of a successful CEM program is to provide insights that enable bank employees to make better decisions that will lead to increased customer loyalty. 
Building more loyal customers requires change across nearly every are of the bank, so to be more successful, banks need to move up the path from measurement and reporting to behavior and culture change. 

Read, Where are You on the Path to Next Generation Customer Experience Management, to learn more.