Results of the Canadian Corporate Banking and Treasury Study revealed that respondents at the smallest firms saw the greatest increase in their total compensation this year while those at larger sized companies remained flat.  

Additional Findings:

  • Looking at bonuses as a percentage of salary, Treasurers and Chief Financial Officers led the way, with bonuses averaging 30% and 65% of base pay respectively.
  • There is a significant differential in the total compensation of treasury professionals across industries; the average total compensation is $314,000.  Energy treasury professionals earn on average 36% more than those in other industr ies; treasury professionals in Financials reported the sharpest drop.
  • For the majority of treasury professionals, compensation is centered on cash; only senior executives had access to long term incentives.

Bottom Line:

Understanding compensation trends in your relevant markets can help you benchmark your compensation package for yourself and for your staffing and budget needs.

Only Study participants have access to the full Greenwich Associates Compensation report.