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In The News

StockXpo: Coalition Greenwich found that about 20% of respondents had specific gold allocations in their portfolios, and almost 40% of these anticipated increasing their allocations over the next three years.

Bloomberg: The world’s biggest banks are heading for their worst year of credit trading in a decade as soaring interest rates and global economic uncertainty bite into their profits. The 200 biggest investment banks are set to collectively make $...

Der Treasurer: „Obwohl während der Pandemie Trade Finance bei den Unternehmen nicht so gefragt war, gewinnt das Thema jetzt wieder mehr an Bedeutung“, beobachtet Tobias Miarka.

Markets Media: Just 31% of investment managers were using algorithms that incorporated artificial intelligence and machine learning as of the third quarter of 2021, according to a Coalition Greenwich...

Bloomberg: Although all-to-all trading isn’t new, adoption has increased in the past few years. Recent research from Coalition Greenwich found that all-to-all trading accounted for 12% of US corporate bond volume in 2020, up from about 5% in 2017....


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