Banks with a goal of delivering best-in-class service and improving customer experience often start by implementing a customer experience management (CEM) program. This is a great first step. However, a well-executed CEM program that delivers direct feedback from customers only provides part of the picture. To get the full picture, you need input from your employees. 

Employee insights supplement CEM data by providing the perspectives of employees who service your customers and provide critical operations support. This will help you see how all employees (client-facing and non-client facing) influence your customer experience results. 

Bottom Line
Your employees know best what works and what prevents them from delivering superior service. When you factor their insights into your CEM program, you not only motivate employees to make customer experience a priority, you also provide them with the tools they need to be successful. 

 To learn more, listen to our webinar: Why Employee Alignment is More Important Than Employee Engagement